Dance Therapy


Dance Therapy.

Over the course of the sessions, and thanks to a confident and personalized work in connection with the connection to the body, the ground and the music, you will learn to rediscover your physical sensations and activate your self-healing process.

It is through movement, posture and presence that we perceive the knots to be undone and the blocks to be released in order to restore a fluid circulation of body and mental energy.

Internal and postural tensions find in dance and movement a path of transformation.


Couple Therapy.

Dedicated to the relationship to oneself and to the other, the sessions are a meeting space where two realities, two identities can co-exist and each experience their double polarity to find harmony.



Therapeutic dance is accessible to all, all ages and all conditions.

Come as you are!

On request, we will come to the site of your choice or to one of our various premises in Bern, Neuchâtel, & Friburgo / Friborg