Through dance, we offer personalized seminars at your choice during Easter of:
- Your life path
- Emotional imbalances
- Physical pain
- Professional and relational difficulties
- Stress management
- Self-confidence
- Anxiety, phobias, weight loss
- Need for change
- In dance, your technique, balance ... and new steps
- Preparation for the opening of the ball at your wedding, birthdays, parties, shows, ... and dance championships
Prices per person or per couple: (Take 2 h, do 3 h!)
100 CHF/h
80 CHF/h, students and members of the association
20% of the income from the seminars goes directly to the "Creciendo, Jugando Y Bailando" Kindergarden
We have four locations for your seminars:
👉🏼 DANCE CENTER in Freiburg
👉🏼 CENTRE-LE-PHENIX in Freiburg
👉🏼 ZENTRUM5 in Bern and
👉🏼 ATTIC OF THE CASTLE in Neuchâtel
We will be very happy to share our experiences with you and we hope to welcome you soon.